BIOL 2404  A&P Basics                   Case Study: Human Body                    Dr. Weis

General Hospital                               Report Summary

A twenty-eight year old female presented in the E.R. with acute pain in the right iliac abdominal region about five hours after eating.  Upon palpation, there was tenderness and pain around the inguinal area.  Auscultation of the abdominal region revealed decreased gastrointestinal sounds with normal thoracic sounds on the cardiac and pulmonary evaluation.  Temperature was 101°F.

Hematology results showed an increase in the white blood cell count, with a predominance of band neutrophils.  Ultrasound revealed a hyper-echoic region.

A differential diagnosis of acute appendicitis was made and the patient was prepped for general surgery and positioned in dorsal recumbency.  A right parasagittal incision was made for laparoscopic evaluation of the abdomen.

A suppurative, intact appendix was located and removed via surgical clips and CO2 laser in order to control hemorrhage.  The specimen was grossly enlarged and measured 10cm by 4 cm.. Cytology and pathology confirmed the diagnosis.

The patient received appropriate antibiotics and was released two days later with a good prognosis for recovery.